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Records Management Systems of Alcohol Regulatory Enforcement (ARE) Agencies: Functional Specifications

Records Management Systems of Alcohol Regulatory Enforcement (ARE) Agencies: Functional Specifications

ARE RMS Functional Specifications

Records Management Systems of Alcohol Regulatory Enforcement (ARE) Agencies: Functional Specifications. The purpose of this publication is to aid state and local agencies responsible for alcohol licensing and enforcement in assessing, upgrading, or replacing their Alcohol Regulatory Enforcement (ARE) and Licensing Records Management Systems (RMS) to monitor compliance. The intended audience for this document is any individual or agency involved in procuring, developing, implementing, or supporting a licensing and enforcement management system to support process, training, compliance, and violation management. The Executive Summary encapsulates business functions commonly supported by these systems and reviews the strategic value for day-to-day operations and the solutions’ management. The following sections define standard business functions across liquor alcohol regulatory enforcement agencies to explain these functions through use case specifications.

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